Are you in the ” Woods” ?
If you are a property owner in a specially defined area known as the “Arrowhead Woods” you are in a unique situation. The “Woods” is comprised of about 9,000 parcels of land surrounding Lake Arrowhead. Property owners within this area are subject to certain restrictions which are enforced by an architectural committee. They also have certain rights regarding the use of the lake which are administered by an organization known as Arrowhead Lake Association (ALA).
As tracts were developed, legally recorded Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for each tract insured that the zoning, setbacks, minimum house size and other considerations would be observed to prevent unattractive dwellings or offensive conditions from diminishing the value of neighboring properties. Each owner should have a copy of the CC&R’s for their tract, be knowledgeable of their requirements and comply with them.
AWAC Arrowhead Woods Architectural Committee
In the early 1920’s, the Arrowhead Woods Architectural Committee was established to enforce the CC&R’s. Currently, this is a four-member volunteer organization. It is a California non-profit mutual benefit corporation, not part of the ALA, nor is it related to the San Bernardino County Department of Building and Safety. The original developers of Lake Arrowhead had the wisdom to ensure a general unity in a design of buildings by appointing a committee to enforce a standard of construction and conformity to an “established ideal.” This enforcement is based upon the creation of deed restrictions detailing architectural character, site alteration and building size, together with a committee to enforce those standards. It has served well in the past and should help preserve the beauty of the community and maintain high property values. To make each requirement astringent and impose inflexible rules might force a sameness in design that would result in a stereotyped, boring community. For this reason, sufficient latitude is allowed to permit imaginative design around certain fixed standards that are compatible with our beautiful mountain environment. Obviously, there is a large judgment factor in the committee’s decisions. Language in most CC&R’s allows the committee to use their discretion to allow exceptions.
Topics Covered
The CC&R’s cover such things as building setbacks, utility easements, private road easements, minimum building sizes, RV storage, roof pitch, roof pitch, roof coverings, remodeling, exterior paint colors, parking spaces and fences. Additionally, the developers required that property owners get approval from an architectural committee before cutting down, removing or altering (trimming) any living tree. Control of trees is vigorously enforced, and the single tree may be valued at several thousand dollars. Substantial damage fees will be assessed to the owner who does not obtain needed approval.
Property Owners Responsibilities
An important requirement is that you may not do any tree work, build any structure, fence, addition, remodel or do any exterior painting until you have submitted the application to AWAC and have received approval for the project. The necessary requirements and procedures to get approvals are outlined in a handbook that is available free from AWAC. It also covers residential construction, tree trimming, and removal.
Meetings and Information
AWAC meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. The meetings are open to the public. If you have any questions about anything in this brochure, about CC&R’s, or owner responsibilities, please contact:
Arrowhead Woods Architectural Committee, Inc.
A California Non-Profit Mutual Benefit Corporation
P.O. Box 2026 – Lake Arrowhead CA 92352
Phone: (909) 336-2755 – Fax: (909) 336-1016
AWAC strives to protect the rights of all the property owners and thereby benefit the community as a whole. The time and cooperation of each and every property owner will greatly assist AWAC. Our purpose and yours should be to maintain the quality of design, attractiveness, and individuality, in harmony with surrounding houses, and any other factors which protect and enhance property values in Arrowhead Woods.
Arrowhead Woods is comprised of approximately 9,000 parcels surrounding Lake Arrowhead.
You can find more information and a detailed map by visiting the Arrowhead Woods Architectural Committee’s website
Information Provided by the Arrowhead Woods Architectural Committee